Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 137: In Which We Resume Posting

So we're back. We understand that our last post made it look like Project Bambusa had been canceled - sorry about that. We had to terminate the first plant because it looked like it had died. But the other bamboo plants continue to grow. This will be a long post - loads of pictures. Gotta get you all up to date with all of the happenings over the last few months.

If you look back at Day 36 - down at the bottom of the post there's a picture of the two stalks that we'd grabbed from Rufus - sitting in a trashbag-lined cardboard box. It's was a shameful situation and it needed to be fixed.

We posted about our new planter back on Day 19. Well we finally got our act together and prepared it for the bamboo. Travis water-proofed the box and it was ready to go.

Since this is all happening at work, we were concerned that there would come a day when the Powers That Be decided to put an end to Project Bambusa. So we got ourselves some wheels for the new planter. Not just some plastic junk - nope, we got us some aluminum wheels.