Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 34: In Which We Go Dot-Com And Show Major Growth

We're all dot-com in this place. Welcome to the new (!

So last week was pretty exciting. We had our first chute sprout our lone root (dubbed "Root A"). Everybody was in shock. We all stood around the box, looking at this tiny sprout with our collective mouths agape. Egads!

One week later we return from the Thanksgiving Holiday and this is what we see:

So awesome.

The very next day we come in and we see this:

Seriously, y'all. That's, like, two inches in one night. Fantastic.

So now we're working on a webcam. That should be live tomorrow. Here are some more pics - the first is Travis trying to make the software work and the second is a pic of the webcam itself.

Tomorrow we're going to get the webcam up and on this site. Also, the Project Bambusa! logo will make it's first high-res debut.


MexicoB said...
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MexicoB said...

Shouldn't "Root A" now become "Shoot A"? I'm eagerly awaiting the high-priced naming auction once "A" starts spreading its leaves. Keep up the good work and can't wait for the web-cam.