Monday, November 5, 2007

Day 11: In Which The Seeds of Greatness Are Planted

Today we planted a small bamboo stalk in a custom-built box. Measuring 2.5ft long and caulked to make it water-tight, this vessel will be the symbolic mascot for the entire project. Check out some pictures below:

We filled the box with potting soil, loosely packed. Then we added the small bamboo plant that inspired this entire endeavor. We don't expect this plant to grow to become part of our Wall of Wonderous Bamboo. No, we expect this little grower to be the symbol of excellence. The face of Project Bambusa!, if you will.

The Implementation Team of Little Dudes: Travis and Brooks.

The final product:

In other news, while filling the box with dirt on the loading dock, we noticed that two very large wooden boxes had been delivered. We realized that these awesome boxes would be perfect for planting our Rufus-provided bamboo. After a discussion with the Dude In The Mailroom, we made a deal to get the smaller box after it had been opened and relieved of its contents. So this thing is, like, 6ft long, 3ft wide and 6in deep. In other words, perfect. We're going to have to go to Home Depot to get more soil. More pictures will be provided once we have the new planter in our possession. It's going to take a little elbow grease before it's ready for planting, but I think it's going to work out okay.

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